Spring Glow

Are we nearly there yet?

‘Depending upon which definition you use, there are actually two different dates that the mark the first day of spring.’

1 March 2018 is the first day of the meteorological spring

20 March 2018 is the first day of the astronomical spring

The skies are still mostly grey and dismal, the temperature outside is still cold but spring is officially here!

However, itโ€™s a joy to see my garden and allotment begin to wake up after winter. The spring bulbs and fruit trees are blossoming…that ‘Spring glow’ is everywhere.

The daffodils are looking stunning!20180414_1228521478062419.jpg

The willow is sprouting nicely.


The rhubarb has already contributed to a delicious apple and rhubarb crumble.


The perennial Kale tastes delicious and continues to add a ‘punch’ to dinner.


The broad beans and garlic are growing nicely too!


Spring is the busiest time on the allotment and in the garden, so I’m trying my best, despite the weather, to get on with the jobs but I’m still behind in my planting!

The potatoes are still chitting, a second batch of broad beans have just sprouted along with a sowing of ‘Moonlight’ runner beans.

I’ve managed to plant three ‘Gardeners Delight’ tomato plants in the new greenhouse raised bed. Fingers crossed they’ll be ok – no luxury heating in my greenhouse :-/

Tomato plants are looking strong…doing my bit for recycling too by using old labels found in my seed box!


Some of my favourites in the garden at the moment are Honeyberry flowers, Cowslips, Hidcote Pink comfrey, Night Scented Phlox, Anacylus and the gorgeous blue Lithodora (Heavenly Blue)


Hopefully you’re enjoying the ‘spring glow’ and managing to potter on with the planting, despite the gloomy skies ๐Ÿ™‚